
KAA-RRiy-aeN-na, She/her/hers

Iā€™m a fraternal triplet who was raised on animal rights and ghost tours. Naturally, I feel most alive during the spooky months (September AND October) .

I admire writers like Kate Chopin, Zora Neal Hurston and Frida Kahlo (she has some totally badass quotes, I swear.)

I crave stories so much that I am a self-proclaimed, serial eavesdropper and have a LARGE personal collection of the unique phrases that my friends, coworkers and acquaintances have said. 

I am OBSESSED with the intricate ins and outs of social media and how it has totally helped quench my desire to learn something new everyday!

And finally, I have an unhealthy love for Bob's Burgers, especially the problem-solving little genius that is Louise Belcher. 

Hobbies & Good Reads